Greece: Holocaust memorial vandalized in Arta

A few days after the municipality of Arta hosted a ceremony in remembrance of its old Jewish Community, unknown vandals desecrated with paint and the inscription “Yolo” the monument to the Holocaust victims in Arta. The monument is located in front of the Byzantine castle.

The Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece (KIS) on Thursday condemned the antisemitic attack in Arta. An English version of the KIS statement is available here.

The Romaniote Jewish Community of Arta was one of the oldest in Greece. Just before WW II, Arta had about 500 Jews, of whom only 352 lived in the town when the Germans rounded up the members of the community and deported them to the extermination camps. Only 30 survived to return to the town, together with 28 more who had fled and hid in the surrounding villages. (more)

The Arta Holocaust memorial. Source:

Published by DiKra

Blogging on antisemitism and the memory of the Shoah in Greece & Europe

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